Creating a Custom Role

This feature is available on all plans.
Users with the manage roles permission can access this page.

For small teams and projects, our default user roles (Admin, Editor, and Writer) should be sufficient. However, there are many scenarios where you might need a custom role. You will learn how to do that in this article.

Creating a Custom Role

To create a custom role, go to the Roles page, which you can access in the account-level menu under Team.

Once you're on the Roles page, find and click the Add new role button. An input field for your new role will appear. Give it a name and a description, then click save.

Congratulations, you've just created a new role!

But right now, it doesn't do anything. You need to give it a set of permissions first. To do that, scroll down the page until you get to the permissions section. Check the corresponding boxes for the permissions you want to give the new role. Learn more about permissions in this article.

Now, assuming you've already given permissions to your new role, it's time to assign it to a user.

Assigning a User to a Role

To assign a user to a role, go to the Users page, which you can access in the account-level menu under Team.

Once you're on the User's page, find the user you want to assign the custom role to, then:

  1. Click the corresponding Edit button under the Actions column.
  2. A modal containing the user's data will appear.
  3. Under the role dropdown, select your new custom role.
  4. Click Save and you're done! The user now has the custom role and its permissions.

Your custom role is looking good, but it's not yet quite ready. There's one last step you need to do.

Assigning the Custom Role to a Workflow

For a user with your new custom role to be able to work on something, the custom role must be assigned to or responsible for a workflow status. To do that, go to your project and go to Configuration > Workflow settings.

The example image above shows that the "My Custom Role" role doesn't have anything checked under it. That means it's not assigned to or responsible for any of the workflow statuses.

Click the edit button that matches the workflow status you want the role to be assigned to and mark the checkbox under that role.

With that, your custom role is fully ready! Don't forget to assign this custom role to a workflow status in other projects you plan to use it on.