Adding Comments to a Content Item

This feature is available on all plans.
Users with manage comments can modify all comments on content items they have access to.

Comments are a great way to collaborate and discuss ideas with your team. EasyContent makes it easy to leave comments on content items.

You can leave a general comment on a content item, a field, individual files, or a text in a rich text editor.

Adding Comments

To add a comment, go to the comments tab in the right sidebar and click the "add comment" button.

You can mention other users by typing @ followed by their name. A dropdown of mentionable users will help you find a user. If a user you want to mention isn't in the dropdown, ensure they are assigned to the current project where the content item is.

You can also add URLs and domain names and they are automatically converted to a link.

Aside from leaving a comment in the comment tab, there are other ways to comment on a content item.

Adding Field-Level Comments

A field-level comment is a comment made on a field such as a text field, date picker, radio buttons, etc.

Hover your mouse over the right edge of a field. The leave comment icon should appear. Click it and the comment dialog box will show.

Once you've added a comment to a field, it will appear in the comments tab in the right sidebar. You will also see a comment icon with a number badge appear in the field itself, telling you how many comments it currently has.

When you click that icon, all comments "pointing" to that field will be revealed and highlighted in the right sidebar.

Adding File Comments

If there are files attached to the content item, you can hover over them and you'll see multiple icons. One of them is the comment icon. Click it and you will be able to comment on that individual file.

Just like with field-level comments, the comment you leave on a file will appear in the comments tab in the right sidebar. The file will also have a light peach border, indicating that it has comments. Click on a file with this border and all comments "pointing" to that file will be revealed and highlighted in the right sidebar.

Adding Text Comments

In a rich text editor, you can highlight a text and leave comments on it. When you highlight a text, a toolbar with different options will appear. Among them is the option to add a comment to the highlighted text. Click it and you will be able to leave a comment.

Comments you add to a text will be added to the comments in the sidebar. You'll know if a text has a comment because it will be highlighted with a light peach color. Click on them and the comment will be revealed in the sidebar.