Workflow Configuration

In this help article, you will learn how to configure your project's Workflow settings. Note that this article will solely focus on configuring your workflow settings. If you want to learn more about how Workflow works such as its logic, etc., check out this article.

Setting Up Your Workflow

The first thing you want to do is to define your workflow statuses. Start by selecting a project from the sidebar menu. Once a project is selected, still from the sidebar menu, under Configuration, go to Workflow.

A set of basic workflow statuses is created for you. For this help article, we'll use the defaults as an example.

Every content item will start in the draft stage. By default, users with the "writer" role are responsible for it. Next is the editorial review, followed by approved for publishing and completed.

Click the edit button and you will be able to edit a workflow status' name, reviewing roles, auto due, read-only flag, and default assignees.

Reviewing Roles

In the second column of the workflow table are the reviewing roles. Reviewing roles are roles that can claim or be assigned to an item. In the example above, the writer role is a reviewing role for the draft status, but the admin and editor roles are not. In this case, only users with writer role can claim or be assigned to items in draft status.

Make sure you correctly set the reviewing role for a workflow status, otherwise, you will not be able to assign the correct users to items in that workflow status.

Auto Due

The auto due allows you to set a number of days. For example, when a content item reaches a status with an auto due of 7 days, it will automatically have a due date set 7 days from the current date. If you set an auto due for the draft status, when you create a new content item, it will automatically have the due date set for X days from the day it was created.


When a workflow status is read-only, any items in this status cannot be edited by any user regardless of their permissions. This is useful for showcasing a content item to a client or simply by setting an item as "ready" to be published so that no accidental edits can be made while reviewing it.

Default Assignees

Here you can set users that will be automatically assigned to a content item whenever they are created. You can still add or remove users at the item level.

For example, let's say you set Bob and Alice as default assignees for the Draft stage, and Simon and Sophie for the Editorial review stage in the workflow settings. When you create a new content item, they will be automatically assigned to the Draft and Editorial review stages. You don't need to do anything. You can later add more users or even remove them if you want.


Ratings allow your reviewers to rate items when approving them. By default, there are three criteria, all of which are enabled for the Editorial review status. With this, a user responsible for this status will be asked to leave a rating for each defined criterion after approving an item.

Using the above as an example, when a user responsible for the editorial review status finishes reviewing the item and clicks the approve button, the "approve and complete review" modal will appear, prompting them to grade it based on the criteria defined on the workflow page. Note that this is a required input. Currently, there is no option to make ratings optional. If you don't want to require reviewers to leave ratings, you can delete them from the workflow settings page.

If no ratings are defined, the "approve and complete" review modal will still appear, but there will be no star ratings.

Additional Settings

If you connect EasyContent to Wordpress, you will be able to publish articles to Wordpress with a click of a button. Selecting this option will automatically send them to the Completed status after they are published to Wordpress.