How to archive a project?

Archiving a project hides it from view and makes it inaccessible to anyone but its data is kept, allowing you to restore it anytime. If you are going to delete a project, ask yourself if you don't need everything in it. If you're unsure, it's probably a better idea to archive it to make sure it's not lost forever.

Archiving a Project

You can archive a project from the Projects page via the account menu.

From there, find the project you want to archive. Then, click its three-dot menu and click archive.

After that, the page will refresh and the project is now archived. You can check it at the bottom of the page, hidden by the Show archived projects button.

Restoring or Deleting an Archived Project

If you want to restore an archived project, click the Show archived projects button. Find the project you want to restore, then, in that project's card, click the three-dot menu, then click Restore.

If you want to delete an archived project, follow the same steps above, except that you'll want to click Delete instead of Restore. Deleting a project is permanent and irreversible, so take caution. 

There's also the Duplicate option, which will create an unarchived copy of the archived project. This duplicated project won't have the content items, briefs, and assigned users of the original but it will copy templates, workflow settings, and categories.