How to upload a file to a content item?

You can upload files to content items in two different ways. This section assumes you're using the default template.

Method 1 allows you to upload new files to the current project's files library. Method 2 allows you to reuse existing files from the files library. Do note that every project has its own files library. You can't access Project A's files from Project B.

Method 1:

To upload files to a content item, you can drag and drop an image from your computer to the text editor. It will then be automatically added to the "files widget" and to the current project's files library.

Method 2:

Scroll down the page until you find the "Files" widget.

  1. Click the "Add files" card.
  2. In the modal that will appear, select the file or files you want to add to the content item and click the "Insert" button.
    • If this is a new project or if you haven't uploaded any files to the project yet, the modal will be empty.
  3. If the modal is empty, click the "upload files" tab to upload files. Click "insert" to attach them to the current content item.
  4. Once the files are attached to the content item, you can add them to the text by clicking Insert > Image in the toolbar or by clicking the image icon.

  5. In the modal that will appear, click the "source" icon and select the file.

  6. Click the green check button and your file is now added to the text.